- Combo Trim Head Ballistic NailScrews® (BNS) with T-15 Star inserts in heads, for many kinds of trim, docks, and decks including: Composite, PVC, all Treated Lumber, Cedar, Redwood, and many kinds of Hardwoods from around the world. If you are using denser composites, this is the best top down Ballistic NailScrew® for you. In cool or cold weather, you may need 120 lbs. of pressure at the tool. Most 83 series / 83 mm size tools will do the job with this newest Combo Trim Head Ballistic NailScrew®. Our larger 90 series / 90 mm tool is available if you need more power for your combination of building materials. (Example: tough composite boards to 12-16 gauge steel studs such as Tiger Wood and Ipe). Combo Trim Head BNS are made in three types of collation: 20° plastic strip, 15° wire coil, and 15° plastic sheet coil. Coated with PT2000® or PPG1500™ coating for exterior use. For coastal applications, use our Stainless Steel. These are not recommended for Capstock.
- Combo Ballistic NailScrews® with #2 Robertson® Square Drive inserts in heads are approved for Trex® Accents® and Contours® as well as AERT MoistureShield® and ChoiceDek®. These work great in some PVC boards like Azek. Our Ballistic NailScrew® Driver tool #NSDSN2283H has enough power to do tough jobs for professional use. These NailScrews® are also great for treated lumber wood decking! Made in two collations: 20° plastic strip and 15° wire coil. Coated with PT2000® or PPG1500™ coating for exterior use. For coastal applications, use our Stainless Steel.
- Flat Head Ballistic NailScrews® with #2 Phillips inserts in heads, #2 Robertson® Square Drive inserts, Combo Drive™ (SQ/PH combo), or #1 Square inserts. These are great for all types of treated lumber wood decking and many other outdoor projects! These can work on some PVC decks, but be sure to test with NailScrew® samples and scrap decking before use. Made in four collations: 20° plastic strip, 34° plastic strip (for use in paper tape nailers), 15° wire coil, and 15° plastic sheet coil (note: this last collation has #1 SQ inserts in the flat heads and is designed to work with GeoDeck® tongue and groove decking). Coated with PT2000® or PPG1500™ coating for exterior use. For coastal applications, use our Stainless Steel.
- Tips that will help your installation with Ballistic NailScrews®:
- Test on scraps of project materials to get everything set before starting your project. Do multiple test runs with scraps of the actual materials that you intend to use before starting the deck (hot and cold weather will affect this greatly). Make sure the scraps are stable and not flopping around.
- Sequential fire will help keep you from double firing the tool. Tool depth of drive adjustments work well.
- Add rubber or plastic nose piece / guard to keep from scratching softer decking materials.
- Use a dedicated air compressor with 100 to 120 lbs. of consistent pressure at the tool. Note: the compressor might have to be at 140 lbs. to keep this type of consistent pressure at the tool. A surge tank can also help.
- Adjust the compressor’s start stop pressure controls to stay within a 10 lbs. range to have consistent air pressure.
- Overdriving—If the depth of drive adjustment will not compensate, you can reduce the air pressure as needed if you are overdriving the BNS.
- Temperature will change your composite density greatly. Below 50°, a full size 90 mm tool might be needed to do the best installation.
- Use a 3/8” diameter hose as short as possible. 25’ is best. 50’ is the maximum length to get consistent driving.
- Drive NailScrews® perpendicular to the decking surface and always wear eye protection!
- Tips that will help your removal of Ballistic NailScrews®:
- Best to use a low RPM Cordless Impact Driver or Drill – very strong and slow is better.
- Start slow to avoid stripping the wood fibers and then speed up after about 3 revolutions (once the NailScrew® begins to reverse out of the hole).
- NailScrew® can be backed out part way and then re-driven with an Impact Driver or a hammer.
- The finished decking look (with NailScrews® driven through the Composite Decking material) should be reviewed with customers / home owners beforehand. The NailScrews® smaller heads will give your customer a very clean looking deck. “The better the installer/mechanic, the better the project!” Rich Steptoe
Thank you,
Jim H. Boyd / Sales and Marketing and W.C. Litzinger / Sales and Management